More speaker announcements coming soon!

Antonia Juhasz
Investigative Journalist, author, lecturer, Washington, DC
Turtle Island/USA

Aya Mariyam Rahil Naseem
Marine Biologist, Co-Founder and Vice President, Maldives Coral Institute

Ayshka Najib
Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) Just Transition Working Group, Fridays For Future MAPA, UNICEF Youth Advocates
United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Bridget Burns
Director of Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
Turtle Island/USA

Bryanna R. Brown (Inuit)
Political Advisor and Land and Water Advocate, Indigenous Climate Action

Bénédicte Larissa
Partner, ENAGRI-CI
Ivory Coast

Callie Veelenturf
Founder and Executive Director, The Leatherback Project

Cara Page
Founder of Changing Frequencies and Co-founder of the Healing Histories Project
Turtle Island/USA

Casey Camp-Horinek (Ponca Nation)
Ponca Nation Environmental Ambassador and WECAN Board Member and Project Coordinator
Turtle Island/USA

Cindy Wiesner
Executive Director, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

Clara Vondrich
Senior Policy Counsel, Public Citizen’s Climate Program and Public Voices fellow with the OpEd Project, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Turtle Island/USA

Devi Aggriani (Taluk)
Member of the Indigenous Taluk Kuantan community & President, Indigenous Women's Association of the Archipelago (PEREMPUAN AMAN)

Dr. Vivian Tatiana Camacho Hinojosa (Quechua)
Director of Ancestral Traditional Medicine within the Vice Ministry of Ancestral Traditional Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

Elle Rávdná Näkkäläjärvi (Sámi)
Chair of the Sámi Parliament’s Youth Council

Eriel Tchekwie Deranger (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation)
Executive Director of Indigenous Climate Action

Erika Martínez Lizarraga
President, GoiEner

Fany Kuiru Castro
General Coordinator of the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)

Federal Deputy Célia Xakriabá (Xakriabá)
Federal Deputy in Brazilian Congress in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and co-founder of the National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestrality (ANMIGA)

Great-Grandmother Mary Lyons (Leech Lake Ojibwe)
Ojibwe Elder, Author, Women of Wellbriety, International, United Nations Observer on Women/Indigenous Issues
Turtle Island/USA

Heffa Schücking
Founder, Management & Campaign Strategist, Urgewald

Jacqui Patterson
Founder and Executive Director, The Chisholm Legacy Project
Turtle Island/USA

Janene Yazzie (Navajo/Dine’)
Director of Policy & Advocacy, NDN Collective
Diné Bikéyah (Turtle Island)

Judy Kipkenda (Ogiek)
Founder of Koibatek Ogiek Women and Youth Network (KOWYN)

Julia Horinek (Ponca Nation)
WECAN Project Coordinator, Plains Organizer with Movement Rights
Turtle Island/USA

Justin Winters
Co-founder & Executive Director, One Earth

Kahea Pacheco (Kanaka 'Ōiwi)
Co-Executive Director, Women's Earth Alliance (WEA)
Hawaii, Turtle Island/USA

Karabo Mokgonyana
Renewable Energy Campaigner, Power Shift Africa
South Africa

Leila Salazar-López
Executive Director, Amazon Watch
Turtle Island/USA

Lorraine Chiponda
Co-Convener, Don’t Gas Africa

Majo Andrade Cerda (Kichwa)
Member of the Council of CONFENIAE, Leader of the Economy and Community Development area, Member of the Kichwa peoples of Serena, Federation of Napo Indigenous Organizations (FOIN)

Mamta Borgoyary
Executive Director, She Changes Climate

Margaret Kwateng
Campaign Director, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Turtle Island/USA

Mariann Bassey Orovwuje
Deputy Executive Director of ERA/FoEN and Food Sovereignty Coordinator of Friends of the Earth Africa

Mary Louise Malig
Policy Director, Global Forest Coalition

Mary Robinson
Former President of Ireland; Member, The Elders; Co-Founder, Project Dandelion, Ireland

Meena Raman
Legal Adviser, Third World Network

Michelle Cook (Diné)
Founder, Divest Invest Protect
Turtle Island/USA

Mitzi Jonelle Tan
Convenor, Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP), Senior Advisory, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
The Philippines

Monique Verdin (Houma Nation)
WECAN Food Sovereignty Program Coordinator in the Gulf South
Turtle Island/USA

Nalleli Cobo
Climate Activist & Storyteller, 2022 Goldman Prize winner, Co-founder of People not Pozos and South Central Youth Leadership Coalition
Turtle Island/USA

Natalia Greene
Global Director of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN)

Neema Namadamu
Founder and Executive Director of Hero Women Rising, and WECAN Coordinator
DR Congo

Nina Simons
Co-founder and Chief Relationship Officer at Bioneers
Turtle Island/USA

Noelene Nabulivou (Dravuwalu / Naceva / Kadavu)
Executive Director, DIVA for Equality; Movement-Led Committee, Pacific Islands Feminist Alliance for Climate Justice (PIFA4CJ)

Patricia Gualinga (Kichwa)
Indigenous leader from Sarayaku, Spokeswoman, Mujeres Amazónicas Defensoras de la Selva

Patricia Madrigal Cordero
Former Vice Minister of the Costa Rican Environment
Costa Rica

Pema Wangmo Lama (Megum)
Vice Chair and Founder, WE-Women from Indigenous Nationalities (WE-WIN)

Rachel Kyte
UK Special Representative on Climate, Professor of Practice in Climate Policy, University of Oxford, Dean Emerita, Tufts University
United Kingdom

Rahma Diaa
Journalist, Founder of the Climate School Initiative

Rauna Kuokkanen (Sápmi)
Research Professor of Arctic Indigenous Studies at the University of Lapland

Rene Ann Goodrich (Bad River Ojibwe)
Native Lives Matter Coalition and Wisconsin Department of Justice MMIW Task Force, Indigenous Women's Treaty Alliance
Turtle Island/USA

Rita Uwaka
Environmental Rights Action (ERA) Coordinator, Forest & Biodiversity Programme, Friends of the Earth Africa (FoEA)

Roishetta Sibley-Ozane M.S.
Founder of Vessel Project of Louisiana and Co-Coordinator of the Gulf South Fossil Finance Hub
Turtle Island/USA

Ruth Spencer
Deputy Chair, Marine Ecosystems Protected Areas (MEPA) Trust
Antigua and Barbuda

Sandrine Dixson-Declève
Honorary President of The Club of Rome & Executive Chair of Earth4All

Secretary Puyr Tembé (Tembé)
First Secretary of State for Indigenous Peoples of Pará in the Brazilian Amazon, and Co-founder of Ancestral Indigenous Women Warriors (ANMIGA)

Shannon Biggs
Co-founder, Director, Movement Rights
Turtle Island/USA

Sharon Lavigne
Founder and President of RISE St. James
Turtle Island/USA

Shirley Krenak (Krenak)
Founder of the Shirley Djukurna Krenak Institute, Co-founder of ANMIGA

Simone Lovera-Bilderbeek
Independent Academic Researcher

Siziwe Mota
Africa Program Director, International Rivers Network
South Africa

Tara Houska (Couchiching First Nation Anishinaabe)
Tribal Attorney and Founder of Giniw Collective, Line 3 pipeline Resistance Leader
Turtle Island/USA

Tasneem Essop
Executive Director at Climate Action International (CAN-International)
South Africa

Thilmeeza Hussain
Director, United Nations Regional Commissions New York Office

Tzeporah Berman
Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Vasser Seydel
President, The Oxygen Project
Turtle Island/USA

Vishnu Laalitha Surapaneni MD, MPH
Internist and Assistant Professor of Medicine
Turtle Island/USA

Yasso Kanti Bhattachan (Thakali)
Vice Chair of the National Indigenous Women’s Forum (NIWF), and founding member and advisor of the National Indigenous Women's Federation (NIWF)

Yolanda Fulmer (Tlingit)
Native Rights Activist, Representative for the WECAN Tongass Hub, Turtle Island/USA
Turtle Island/USA

Zainab Salbi
Co-founder, Daughters for Earth
Turtle Island/USA

dipti bhatnagar
The Commission Project

gina cortés valderrama
Climate, gender and economic justice expert
The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International is a solutions-based, multi-faceted organization established to engage women worldwide in policy advocacy, on-the-ground projects, trainings, and movement building for global climate justice.
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