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WECAN Executive Director Responds to the Working Group III IPCC Report

On April 4, 2022 latest report by The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III was published. The report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions.

In response to the report findings, Osprey Orielle Lake, WECAN Founder and Executive Director released the following statement:

"The most recent IPCC report reiterates what many have been shouting for years: we are at the very brink of ecological collapse, the world as we know it is barreling toward irreparable harm due to climate change brought on by centuries of colonization, patriarchy, racism, and capitalism.

The IPCC Working Group III report is clear: fossil fuels are driving climate chaos, escalating catastrophic harms to our communities and planet. We will overshoot the 1.5°C target of the Paris Climate Agreement if fossil fuel extraction continues to expand ceaselessly. Despite the science and global calls for a Just Transition, governments, corporations, and financial institutions are fortifying fossil fuel production for decades to come.

The door is closing, and millions of lives are at risk as governments continue to delay on real climate solutions. Governments and financial institutions have no more excuses and must end their delusions with false solutions and incremental fossil fuel phase out plans. Science is telling us, we must act now. There is a path forward for securing our collective future— and the key leadership for this path is coming from frontline communities who continue to bear the brunt of climate chaos.

We know solutions exist for the paradigm-shifting, systemic change that is truly needed to protect our planet— solutions that uphold Indigenous and human rights; implement the rights of nature; support low carbon economies grounded in care; uphold a Just Transition for regenerative, renewable energy; and center respect for each other and Mother Earth. We must immediately stop business as usual, declare a global climate emergency, and implement justice-centered solutions to ensure a habitable and thriving Earth for current and future generations.”


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