In the lead up to COP27 in Egypt, the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) is releasing a new report which finds that G20 countries, who are responsible for almost 80% of global carbon dioxide emissions, lack gender-responsive national climate change policies.
The report analyzes the level of gender integration - or lack thereof - in the national climate policies and nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of the world’s largest economies, the G20 group. The report finds that despite the increasing acknowledgement that the impacts of climate change vary depending on gender— and the crucial role of women as drivers of climate solutions— gender has yet to be comprehensively or meaningfully integrated into G20 countries’ climate policies.
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In this report, we analyze the level of gender integration - or lack thereof - in the national climate policies and nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of the G20 countries to the Paris Agreement. We recognize that the G20 is not a uniform block and Common But Differentiated Responsibilities need to be acknowledged. Rather this report addresses the cross-cutting issue of gender-responsive climate policy and action across the G20. It is crucial that G20 countries develop and implement gender-responsive climate policies in order to move forward both climate action and gender equality agendas at both the national and international level.
Women and gender diverse leaders are providing critical leadership and solutions to addressing the climate crisis. Consequently, it is essential to recognize, understand and transform unjust dominant social constructs, including systemic patriarchy, colonization and racism, which continue to impede building equitable and successful climate policy and action led by women and marginalized groups.
The report calls for governments to seriously ramp up efforts to effectively and coherently integrate gender considerations into climate relevant policies, ensuring active participation of women and frontline communities. A growing body of research has firmly established that greater gender equity leads to better climate outcomes. For example, a one unit increase in a country’s score on the Women’s Political Empowerment Index demonstrates an 11.5% decrease in the country’s carbon emissions. Yet overall, the majority of G20 countries have not yet integrated gender in their climate policies, and when gender is mentioned by the G20 countries, it is often superficial and unactionable. More details are available in the press release here.
Osprey Orielle Lake, Executive Director of WECAN and co-author of the report states: “Integrating gender into climate policy isn’t just beneficial for women—it leads to critically improved outcomes for our communities, the Earth, and emission targets. If G20 countries want to achieve their climate targets, they need to ensure that women and the leadership of frontline communities are included in climate policies, solution projects, and decision-making.”
The report is endorsed by over 80 organizations from 29 countries representing groups and movements worldwide, please see the full list below:
Accelerate Neighborhood Climate Action
African Women’s Development and Communications Network - FEMNET
AG Communications Ltd
Association des Femmes de l’Europe Méridionale (AFEM)
Businesses for a Livable Climate
Call to Action Colorado
CatholicNetwork US
Centre for Ecological Governance and Gender Initiatives (CEGGI)
Church Women United in New York State
Citizen’s Alliance for a Sustainable Englewood
Climate 2025
Climate Watch Thailand
CO Businesses for a Livable Climate
Coherence Lab
Collectif Sénégalais des Africaines pour la Promotion de l’Éducation Relative à l’Environnement (COSAPERE)
Collective Future Fund
Community for Sustainable Energy
DevCon Pvt. Ltd
Divest Invest Protect
Element Four
Empathy for Life Integrated Development Association (ELiDA)
Environmental Conflict Mediation and Women Development Initiative
Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area
Fondo Lunaria Mujer
GenderCC SA
Global Choices
Good Health Community Programes
Greater New Orleans Housing Alliance
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Washington, DC
Help Initiative for Social Justice and Humanitarian Development
Hero Women Rising
Honor the Earth
Human Rights Institute of South Africa
Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation for a Sustainable Africa (ICCASA)
Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero
Kikandwa Environmental Association
ME and YOUth
Mental Health & Inclusion Ministries
Millennium ART
Movement Rights
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light
North Range Concerned Citizens
Participatory Research & Action Network- PRAAN
Pathways for Women’s Empowerment and Development (PaWED)
RapidShift Network
Reaccion Climatica
Regional Centre for International Development Cooperation - RCIDC
Resource Link Foundation
Rural Women for Healthy Food and Economic Development (RWOHFED)
SHE Changes Climate
Small Business Alliance
Southwest Organization for Sustainability
Spirit of the Sun, Inc.
Sukaar Welfare Organization Pakistan
Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)
System Change Not Climate Change
The Green House Connection Center
The Movements Trust
Transformative and integrative buildout for All (TIBA)
United Women in Faith
Wall of Women
Western Slope Businesses for a Livable Climate
WOCAN (Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management)
Women Network for Energy and Environment (WoNEE)
Women On Top
Women’s Climate Congress
Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia (WELA)
Womxn from the Mountain
Working for Racial Equity
Zenab for Women Development